Friday, September 08, 2006

No show from Miller and Robinson

Well, the deadline for a response from Miller and Robinson to answer reader questions has come and gone without a word from either. I expected as much from Robinson but sent this to Miller:

Mr. Miller,

I have to confess that I am disappointed to have not received a reply to the below invitation. While I expected to be ignored by Mr. Robinson, I had hoped that you would be more willing to reach out to your constituents.

Should you decide that it is worth a minimal amount of your or one of your staffer’s time to answer questions from my readers, please contact me.

Ultimately, Miller is in the catbird seat; with Robinson as an opponent, he will not only receive the increasingly strong (thanks to Bush's follies) Democratic vote but also the good-god-anyone-but-Robinson vote.

Will I vote for Miller? Most likely - but I will also keep up my search for a politician who truly wants to get back to the people.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

It's been my experience that Brad Miller is very responsive. That's one of the things I like most about him. Maybe he's very tied up with campaigning at the moment.