Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How are your representatives voting?

A friend sent me a link to this rad service (that's right - rad), MegaVote, that sends regular emails letting you know how your members of Congress voted on recent legislation. I received my first email the other day and found out that both Burr and Dole voted against troop withdrawal (big shock) and that Miller continues to use his yes vote liberally (pardon the very unintentional pun... yet I'm going to leave it).

It also provides a list of upcoming votes. For example, the Farm Bill Extension Act is on the docket. This is certainly one of those bills in which reading between the lines is useful. Historically, these are the kinds of bills that encourage agribusiness, like the fencepost-to-fencepost corn that is contributing so greatly to obesity while sucking every bit of life from the earth, while making small, sustainable farming increasingly difficult.


Diane Grey Davis said...

Tuesday, July 24, is “National Call to the Senate” day. Your Senators need to hear from you in support of voting rights for citizens who live in our nation’s capital! Join us in supporting S. 1257, the DC House Voting Rights Act of 2007!

Make your voice heard with thousands of other activists around the country.

Calls may be made through the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 or 202-225-3121.

Sarah Beth Jones said...

Right on - but remember to be polite to the switchboard operators - they have nothing to do with the politics and we're making their day really rough... for a really good cause. Viva la call-in!

Calvin said...


thanks for the resource, i am in the mailing list and i look forward to getting involved...

i wonder if there is anyway we could find out how they are going to vote before they do it and then we can speak out to them prior... ;)


Sarah Beth Jones said...

Very cool, Calvin! You know, once you start watching their votes, most of them are pretty predictable...