Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Those who protest the loudest...

In the tradition of Mark Foley's anti-pedophilia legislation, it again seems that those who protest the loudest are the ones trying to provide cover for themselves. The most recent example involved the Republican National Committee which recently ran the subtly racist ad against Harold Ford (D - Tenn.) which, in addition to playing on the age-old fear of black men with white women, accuses Ford of taking donations from "porn kings".

But guess who's really taking the donations? You got it: the RNC! Not only are they taking oodles of money earned through money shots, they are regular recipients of money from Nicholas T. Boyias, the owner and CEO of one of the largest producers and distributors of gay porn in the United States.

Once again, gays shouldn't be allowed to marry and they shouldn't be afforded anti-discrimination protection that would prevent employers from firing them on the basis of their sexuality but it's okay if gay porn furthers the Republican agenda?

There's so much wrong with that paragraph...

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