Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sarah, the GeoCaching Expert

The owners of 1900 Inn on Montford sent us a link to an article in which my blog post about GeoCaching in Asheville is quoted... You know, some women like jewelry, and some like fancy hiking equipment, but me, I like to see myself in print... a challenging task for Rob at gift-giving times, to be sure.

But the reason the owners had to send me an article that ran in the Asheville Citizen-Times more than two weeks ago is because the journalist, Dale Neal, didn't ask to quote me... or warn me that he did... or list my blog's URL as some sort of secret thank you.

I don't know the legalities of this - despite being a regular in a newspaper, I have never, and would never, claim to be a journalist. But c'mon. Not even an email?

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