Friday, June 22, 2007

Hope-filled eavesdropping

Is it really eavesdropping if it isn't intentional? I was standing at the coffee fixings bar at Port City Java this morning (I never get to that part of town unless I'm heading for sushi but now two days in a row - strange...) when I overheard, quite unintentionally, a man talking about the crazy food we feed kids in school cafeterias and other bizarre ways we, as humans, shoot ourselves in the foot in pursuit of bargains and convenience. I was tempted to pull up a chair in the hopes he and his companion would let me stay... but once my coffee was more than sufficiently stirred, I pried myself away from his insight and went on with my day.

After a morning of insane drivers and pervasive negativity, overhearing that kind of conversation brings me hope and contributes to my feeling that the general population in America is about to turn a corner, around which are more environmentally-, and human-, friendly practices. The fact that the speaker was a sharply-dressed, seemingly together, modern guy is all the more intriguing, telling me that it's not just path-less-traveled folks like me (wearing stuff like the hemp "fascism sucks" tee I've got on today) who are interested in that kind of massive change.

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