Monday, April 09, 2007

Does this feel like fascism to anyone else?

I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say that our administration's policy of spying on its own citizens is not an issue for people who "haven't done anything wrong."

I present, as evidence for the contrary, exhibit A: Professor Walter F. Murphy, emeritus of Princeton University. I hadn't heard of him before either but apparently his works on both constitutional theory and judicial behavior are classics in the field. Before you allow your assumptions to get the best of you, it's fair to point out that the guy has liberal social issue opinions but is adamantly anti-abortion and supported Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court.

Apparently Prof. Murphy spoke out about the president's many violations of the Constitution and his speech was broadcast on the Internet. Recently, Prof. Murphy discovered, when he tried to board a flight, that he has been put on the Terrorist Watch list because of this lecture. Forget about the fact that Prof. Murphy is also a decorated vet who served in Korea with more than two decades in the service.

Read his account here.

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