Thursday, February 01, 2007

As though Bush has room to criticize

An Associated Press piece in the N&R today said that Bush disapproves of the lavish paychecks and severance packages given to some CEOs these days. Do you think he's mostly mad that he's not getting a cut? Last time I checked, this entire war was one big, gross, disgusting payday for contractors on Bush's payroll.

Let's see... We're spending approximately $195,000,000 per day (No, I didn't forget a decimal point), civilians are buying Kevlar for family members in the military because the army is not supplying proper equipment (claiming the expense is too great) and we sure as hell aren't going to be able to properly equip 21,500 additional soldiers when currently deployed battalions have had to resort to "hillbilly armor" because the standard-issue Humvees and tanks couldn't withstand IED blasts. Gee, I wonder where the money is going?

Certainly not to veteran health care or housing...

On the upside, at least Bush is a raving, juvenile rodeo clown (no offense to any rodeo clowns who may be reading). Maybe he intends to protect our freedoms by amusing our enemies.

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