Monday, July 17, 2006

The worst case of the Mondays ever

That's today. I woke up this morning with a feeling of dread that I can't seem to shake.

Following my usual morning routine, I tried to catch up on email after scanning my favorite news sources. Every email went something like this:

Hey You So-and-So,

Hope you had a groovy weekend. We caught Southern Culture on the Skids over at the Flying Anvil and went to the closing ceremony of my nephew's Bitty Ball season blah blah blah.

How about you?

So, World War III, huh? Wacky. Guess Bush is getting what he wanted, the beginning of the Apocalypse - he's going to be toting out red cows any time now. At last count, 200 Lebanese have been killed - did I tell you some friends of mine recently moved back there? The husband of the family was back in the States when the war broke out and today is trying to sneak back in through the Syrian boarder to be with his wife and children.

I don't understand.


What else is there to say - except that you can read blog by Israeli, Lebanese and Palestinian bloggers at The Truth Laid Bear.

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