Thursday, January 03, 2008

What the world eats

A friend sent me an email with images from Time Magazine, demonstrating what a typical family eats in a typical week depending on where they live. As my friend pointed out, keep an eye both on what is on the table and the number of people in the family.

Let's start with an NC family (I really hope they're not typical but in the world according to Time...):

Okay, now how about our neighbors to the South, a Mexican family:
So, more fresh fruit and veggies, though still plenty of junk food.

Now let's look at Egypt (I have an Egyptian friend - not an American with Egyptian heritage but a guy whose wife and kids live in Egypt though he works in America 9 months each year - who loves nothing more than french fry sandwiches):
Maybe my friend isn't terribly representative. There's some junk on this table but in splurge proportions, particularly considering how many people this food is feeding.

This is where it really starts blowing my mind, though - an Ecuadorian family:
And (are you sitting?) a family from Chad:
Now I'm curious to see exactly what Rob and I eat in a week. As healthfully as we eat at home, I suspect our too-frequent meals out would skew our table uncomfortably. What would interest me even more would be to compare our table to one from East Greensboro where produce is at a minimum but fast food joints are on every corner.

Either way, I'm reminded yet again of how lucky I am to have a fridge I can replenish at my leisure with foods I can feel good about eating...


supertaster said...

I'd need larger portions, but from the looks of the ingredients I'd like to chow down with the Egyptian family.

Sarah Beth Jones said...

I'd be interested to see the dishes made from all those foods, largely because I'm also curious about portion size. I'm with you, though - the Egyptian family could invite me to pull up a chair any day!