Friday, September 29, 2006

The United Corporations of America

Since I have to leave in a minute, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to see how many web pages I can find in the next 10 minutes that support my belief that we now have a corportist government.

  1. MyDD (Direct Democracy): Iraq War Profiteering
  2. The Observer: Bush ally set to profit from war on terror
  3. CorpWatch: US: Democrats Say White House again Cozy with Big Oil (there's a ton of proof on here - this was just the first article I came across)
  4. AlterNet: The 10 most brazen war profiteers (in addition to Halliburton)
I didn't mean to find these but how about some proof that going into Iraq was neither spur-of-the-moment or related to 9/11:
  1. CBS: Bush sought 'way' to invade Iraq?
  2. From the Wilderness Publications: Bush advisers planned Iraq war since 1990s
Well, that's my 10 minutes - imagine if I had 20...

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