Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Daily Lit

I don't think I've ever read anything by Charles Dickens. I'm not sure how I made it through public high school and an English-intensive college degree without reading any Dickens but there it is. I admit it.

But today, I read the first installment of A Tale of Two Cities via Daily Lit, a service that really kicks sliced bread's ass on the "best things" scale. The whole idea is that many (most?) of us spend so much time at our computers and yet seem to find so little to time to read offline. So, Daily Lit has serialized a pretty impressive selection of books - mostly free though some do involve a nominal fee to finish after a free trial - and emails a short section of your chosen book per whatever schedule you set.

The first section of Tale took me about five minutes to read and included a link at the bottom that will send me the next section immediately, should I want it. Otherwise, I'll receive future sections at 6:30 every weekday morning.

Now, if they could only join forces with Good Reads somehow...

(Thanks, Tam, for the heads-up on this one!)

1 comment:

ive_landed said...

Hey SarahBeth- (i tried emailing this but it came back to me)

I came across you through Chuck, I was browsing his site and looked on
his links. I plan to go to NC next summer and see some local talent,
Chuck and Snuzz who I am good friends with. If it wasn't for Ben
Folds, I would never know what great indie music is, and how much I've
come to love NC and all the awesome people who are somewhat traced
back to him...

Chuck seems like such a funny and nice guy, from our convos on MySpace
and I can't wait to meet him. You have a pretty awesome
brother-in-law or should I say 2 pretty awesome brother-in-laws.

I plan to become a writer once I finish college, so I'm glad I found
another cool blog to read daily.

-Christine from NJ