Friday, September 14, 2007

Blog hiatus

I didn't actually intend to take a blog hiatus... I have a half-dozen reasons why my blog has laid mostly fallow for the last three weeks or so, but since they're not even interesting to me, I won't bore you with them. I can only hope that my inactivity hasn't annoyed you into deleting my bookmark.

Since my last actual post (I don't consider copying and pasting my column to be real posting):
  • My first issue of Shalom Greensboro came out and looks beautiful, for which I have taken a lot of credit that rightly belongs to my advertising manager, Dianne Hines, and my graphic design person, Kory Burgess.
  • I heard Ruth Messinger, the president of the American Jewish World Service, speak and was inspired by her ability to see the worst travesties on earth and still be able to say, "All I see everyday is individuals making positive change in their communities."
  • Went back to my dentist, Dr. Margaret Szott, for the first time in a couple of years and was reminded what really great patient care and customer service looks like... and that I have acidic, cavity-causing saliva...
  • I participated in Farmers Appreciation Day at the Greensboro Farmers' Curb Market, a wonderful community event organized by Donna Myers of EpiCourier Online Magazine
  • And, last night, went to the hilarious taping of Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me, at Wake Forest University. Chris Paul, a Winston-Salem native and NBA star, was the special guest and proved that even young, rich athletes can be amazing, giving human beings.
It's been a stressful, amazing, packed few weeks, but I missed you and will try to be a more consistent blogger. Thanks for sticking with me... if you did...


Joel Gillespie said...

The blogosphere isn't as fun, or funny, with you gone. Welcome back. Joel.

Sarah Beth Jones said...

I'm gonna have to give you an "aw shucks" on that one, Joel - thanks!